
Signs of a Healthy Relationship

In a associated with rom-coms, fairy tales, and social media hashtags like #relationshipgoals, it can be simple to idealize associations. But despite the fact that every alliance is unique, there are several common characteristics that can help you tell whether the relationship is healthy. We spoke with two therapists—registered psychotherapist Natacha Fight it out, MA, RP and Controversia Eshilian-Oates, LMSW, founder of Mind Body and Soul by DiLeonardo Wellness—to find out what they believe are some signs that you’re in a healthy relationship.

A healthy marriage is based on common respect. Meaning that you and your lover respect each other’s individual hobbies, needs, and boundaries. It also means that an individual hold one another to a common that is certainly impossible to meet—if, for instance , you’re not a fan of a particular music genre, that’s fine, however your significant other should never try to change your tastes to accommodate theirs.

Your partner also shows concern in your life outside of the relationship and doesn’t assume that your well-being is dependent entirely about them. They’re curious about your goals and dreams, and they want to view you advance to the best variety of your self — not just whatever you think they wish to see.

Finally, healthy couples know how to discuss difficult topics and are able to correct clash without blaming or shaming each other. This can include things like money, fidelity, parenting styles, and more.

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